Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, August 01, 2003


I'm not even going to dignify today's NYCBlogger/RNN-generated leading-question poll with a response, but maybe you'd like to. Can Any of the Democratic Candidates Defeat Bush in 2004? I'm still awaiting the question, "How did such an obviously incompetent, mean-spirited, religious fundamentalist who's started two oil wars, pissed off most of our foreign allies, made working people a lot poorer with over 3 million jobs lost since he took office, and made the world a whole lot less safer in the process - someone that tons of people are pronouncing our worst president ever - suddenly become de facto unbeatable?" But you know, I'm not holding my breath. (This link not submitted at RNN's site.) Also in my e-mail in-box, and more or less on the same subject, is another Mark Morford "Notes and Errata" fix; scroll down the sidebar to "Columnists" to retrieve and read it. And speaking of my "Columnists" section, here's the latest Krugman NYT-registration free; you can find out the titles of his NYT columns by clicking on the sidebar link, then type them in Boolean-style (i.e., the exact wording between quotation marks) at Google's news section to get the alterna-link. Easy as can be!