Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Not Tanned, Not Rested, But Ready

If you haven't checked my sidebar in a few days, you probably don't know that I've registered for Blogathon 2003 after all. I've grown less and less tentative as the week has progressed and I seem to be back up to around 3-5 entries daily, and as I said back on July 7 it falls at the end of my vacation week so the timing works out pretty well, and who knows? I might very well be rested by then. (Although not tanned, I assure you, I am of Eastern European "we don't tan we burn" stock.) So, please consider this my first official announcement and daily reminder. Please sponsor me in Blogathon 2003 by clicking the appropriate link which I've moved to the top of the sidebar. I'll also entertain all sorts of suggestions in the comments section on what to blog about during the 24-hour period.