Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, July 18, 2003

It's the FBI, Stupid

Via Tom Tomorrow and Skippy (links at sidebar), Da Boys don't want you should read this article. 'Cause they might just come pay you a visit, you know what I mean? And you wouldn't want something should happen to those nice little civil rights you think you have. [As to the article itself, I liked the bit excoriating Murdoch and Ailes and Fox, oh my, but the rest of it sounded a bit like a shrill fishwife, or that character in Plan 9 sputtering in apoplexy, "Your stupid minds! Stupid, stupid!" It's one thing to observe that government/media propaganda is successful; it's another thing entirely to tell people taken in by it that they're dumb or intellectually challenged or lazy or whatever. They tend not to take kindly to insults, particularly ones couched in ivory-tower liberalese. Besides, smart people are duped all the time; I think it's rather in keeping with human nature to want to believe the best of others, particularly those who hold power over you.]