Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, July 12, 2003

Le'go my Ego

No response to my initial feeler about doing Blogathon '03, with the idea of earmarking my sponsor bucks for the Global Fund for Women (one of Blogathon's suggested charities). Meanwhile, Mary Beth Williams (link at sidebar) is already getting lots of sponsors. So it looks like I won't be doing the Blogathon after all. It's a bit like the conundrum of the tree falling in the forest - if you make tentative plans to blog for 24 hours straight for a good cause and nobody sponsors or even seems to care, what's the point? And can I, in fact, feel sorrier for myself? Whine whine whine, I don't have as many readers as all these bloggers who write better than me, yadda yadda. As I'm sure you'll agree, the only thing worse than lamenting how nobody cares is not realizing that, well, nobody cares that "nobody cares." This stuff has got to be boring to read. Considering the punchier I get the more prone I am to such tiresome navel-gazing, it's probably for the best. Although I still would have wanted to see if I could actually do it. :)