Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, July 11, 2003

"Every Country Should Have Its Own Al-Jazeera"

The above was Jon Stewart's nail-on-the-head glowing praise and/or sarky summary of Fox News, as told to Bill Moyers on a NOW interview this evening. A wonderful 20 minutes, for which I thank Jeralyn Merritt's heads-up, and which I hope to high heaven Lisa Rein (link at sidebar) sees fit to put up on her site. NOW uses Stewart's appearance as a springboard for its brief history of American political satire, linking to its discussion boards in case any other Firesign Theatre fans want to "Tell us about your own favorite examples" and speak up for the 4or5. Or, come to think of it, bloggers like MadKane, Tom Tomorrow and Adam Felber (links at sidebar). [The satire overview also links to The Onion, Whitehouse.org and the Borowitz Report, as well as to the Daily Show's homepage. Hey, look at that, so do I!] Update: Bill Connolly points to the transcript, also from NOW's website - thanks Bill!