Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, July 26, 2003

Blogathon 2003, Post #17
The NeoCon Argument For War
Nice sum-ups here and here by Kevin Drum at Calpundit (link at sidebar). "The real argument for war," interprets Kevin, "was the neocon contention that the Middle East is an economic backwater ruled by medieval theocracies that has become a breeding ground for high stakes terrorism. Someone needs to set them on the path to democracy, tolerance, and economic growth, and that someone is us." If one actually attempts to see the modern US-led Crusade from the POV of the Crusaders, it starts to make a lot of sense. This analysis by no means negates the obvious conclusion that the execution is still faulty (nor tackles the tricky ethical questions of "why should this be our role?"and "who are we to judge?", but it’s not meant to).