Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, June 26, 2003

The Lost Day

As many of you know, I've made myself a promise to blog at least once every day in 2003. I came on here yesterday morning to do a bit of sidebar maintenance, but due to workload wasn't ready to actually post anything until about 2 PM, at which time I found my entire system down due to Blogger upgrading. Alas, the upgrade wasn't complete by midnight, so Pen-Elayne on the Web will have no June 25, 2003 entry. I did post on Blogsisters yesterday (which I noted has BloggerPro), to let folks know what was happening (and good thing, too, as it resulted in one of my old INSIDE JOKE buddies e-mailing me to say hi) but mostly so I could say I've still blogged every day this year. :) The new Blogger edit thingie is... well, it's blue and pretty. I don't see the window for updating and republishing archives any more (a bit of a concern as Blogger has had archive repub problems in the past - oh well, at least I could finally change the listings from "mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy" to read "Month 200X"), there's no side scroll bar in the upper window, I can't open my blog in a new window like I used to, and "bold" has become "strong" and "italics" has become "em" ("ah, it's short for Emily," said Professor Marvel), but at least it's up again. And it's really quick!