Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Blogging About

Ah, there's the scroll bar! It doesn't seem to work right but at least it's visible now. Where was I? Oh yes, recommended entries from the blogroll:

Anne Zook on fashionable aliens.

Emma on affirmative action opponents who seem more interested in lawsuits than education.

Wil Wheaton on XM, On*Star and his Evil Twin.

Madeleine Begun Kane continues her valuable weekly service of links to Humor I Wish I Wrote, and asks for reader participation in future picks.

MaryBeth Williams on Bush fils' potential Perfect Storm.

Christine Cupaiuolo of Ms. Musings on Iranian blogs and an interview with graphic novelist Marjane Satrapi. Speaking of which, it's cool to see people who don't usually notice comics blogging about them.

Salam Pax on his current life in Baghdad, "The most insane city."

For those who believe two wrongs make a right, particularly if the second wrong is "clever satire" perpetuated against a blowhard of the right, Atrios has redesigned Eschaton for the day into the Savage Weiner Blog. Me, I'm still trying to figure out if this is real. Cowboy Kahlil is on the Savaging bandwagon too, as is Neal Pollack of course.

Too many bloggers to list on the Memory Hole video that shows GWB carrying on as normal in a Florida classroom for at least five minutes after being told the US was under terrorist attack. I think I hold a minority opinion here - I really can't fault Bush for perhaps not fully understanding what was going on, and not wanting to panic children. Those seeking smoking guns might be better served to concentrate on the administration's lack of action to prevent the 9-11 attacks, even with ample warning, than on the weirdness of the President's reaction to them.

Lots of bloggers also linking to Paul Krugman's latest NYT article (naturally I link to the don't-have-to-register-at-NYT's-website version).