Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, June 19, 2003

iO Silver! Away!

So we got a notice from our cable company informing us that some of our channels would be changing around and in order to get at least one of them we'd need digital boxes, which for some reason we hadn't had till now. And the cable guy came today, switched all our boxes, switched our coverage from somewhat expensive to moderately expensive, and gave Robin a rundown of the whole thing. From what I understand we haven't quite hit triple-digits in monthly payments yet, but I know we gotta be paying more than they do in the 'burbs. And still no BBC America! But at least we can now receive the Food Network as well as the Oxygen channel, and I'm thinking, truly, what more do any of us need besides food and oxygen?

Speaking of low-kultcha time-wasters, also worth checking out is the Fanatical Apathy Summer Movie Guide, courtesy of Adam Felber (link at sidebar). And if you like to waste your time a little more substantively, Dave Johnson (link at sidebar) reminds us about the online progressive radio station I.E. America. I haven't listened to it yet but I was kinda surprised to see only white faces displayed on their top banner...

Update: Well alas, no Food Network after all, but the buttons are fun to play with. Even so, I watched this on public TV this evening. Good prep for tonight's Firesign chat, after all...