Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, June 27, 2003

A Harry Situation

No, I haven't bought the new Rowling book yet, although I slavishly adore the Harry Potter series. I suppose I'll get around to reading The Order of the Phoenix eventually, but the one I really want to own is the UK edition of the paperback, so I guess I'll be waiting till '04 for that. I like the UK cover art better (thanks to Lis Riba, link at sidebar, for this referral) and I have trouble holding and carrying hardcovers. Besides, I have the UK paperback editions of the first three, as I was in England when Bryan Hitch first talked me into reading them, so the following day I went out and bought a set for myself and one for Robin's mum (and, on our next trip over, for Alan Davis' family) - and there's something very, very special about first having read the books whilst in Potter country (and in the original non-Americanized English!). I still don't have The Goblet of Fire in paperback either (I did purchase and =ouch= read that hardcover, after which I gave it to my brother), but at least it's now on my Amazon UK wishlist.

[Also via Lis, the American Traveler International Apology t-shirt made me smile about as much as Betty Bowers' "Fermez" pun did. Maybe I should buy it to wear the next time I purchase Potter books in England...]