Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, June 05, 2003

Finger on the Pulse

The way I figure it, G-d punished me today. It's a Jew thing, I think, the weird lingering guilt that if I do something explicitly not-very-Jewish God'll get me for it. Well, I was sitting at my desk today eating my turkey burger with Swiss, and the local Lubavitchers decided to come on by and say hi. I'd met them in the elevator during Purim, they gave me a hamentaschen and asked me what floor I worked on and could they come visit every holiday. So I got some schmura matzoh from them at Passover, and tonight is the start of Shavuos, which of course I'd totally blanked on because (and please, don't tell Mom) I don't really keep track of that stuff. I have a Jewish calendar on my desk at home but I consult it about as often as I consult my Outlook calendar, which is why I never send any of you birthday cards any more, but I digress. So it was all a little unexpected, what with my boss in (and yes, he quizzed me afterwards about the encounter) and me not remembering the holiday and sitting there mixing milchik with fleischik and something was bound to happen. And about 4:30 I zetzed my right index finger, catching it in a file cabinet drawer I was slamming shut. Oy, vey iz mir, the pain! I can just about stand typing with it again, a few hours later. So on some weird, obscure, wacky-religious kind of way, I'm thinking "G-d's punishment."

Robin's Site o' Silliness, by the way, is this lovely trailer for a cute-looking Pixar movie called Incredibles, coming in November of '04. I think it's adorable, although you know, with this poor index finger being the way it is I just can't bring myself to laugh that hard at the slapstick, either in the trailer or on the very nice Bob Hope bio (actually a sort of movie retrospective) that ran on PBS tonight. Even though I'm told it's always funny when it happens to someone else...