Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, February 03, 2003

Let's Get Quizzical

Is there something in the air? To peruse my portion of the blogosphere, one would have to conclude that a spate of interesting quizzes seems to have sprung up all at once.
  • Jeneane directs attention to Which Edward II-era historical figure are you?
  • Lots of folks, including Neil Gaiman and Theresa and Emma, have published their results from taking Which Poetry Form Are You?
  • Jen pronounces as "scary-good" Which Art Movement Are You?
    At least two of these quizzes were dreamt up by someone named Caitlin whose website is a bit too confusing for me to figure out anything about her to pass along. But she does seem to be a clever quizmaker.

    Back on the home front, today so far I've followed up on the insulin delivery for my boss' son (the only work-related duty I took on this week, for obvious reasons), balanced my checkbook, organized my unread newspapers, did my wool wash, wrote to eight Staten Island realtors, and I'm off to do the second round of washing up in the kitchen. Not bad for a day when I'm taking it easy. Amazing how much I can accomplish in a stress-free (read: quiet) environment.