Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Inhuman Rights

Well, I for one have a warm and fuzzy feeling that the Bush Administration waited until the day after International Human Rights Day to declare their strategy to “respond with overwhelming force,” including “all options,” to the use of biological, chemical, radiological or nuclear weapons on the nation, its troops or its allies. Of course, concepts like "allies" and "respond" being as mutable to our leaders as the definition of racism is to Trent Lott, this outbreak of machismo does nothing to endear the US to the rest of the world and everything to fuel the fires of anti-American hatred. I'm still puzzled as to why this administration's idiotic pronouncements seem to want to encourage more terrorism instead of preventing it.

Hope to contribute a piece to Blogsisters a bit later about last night's "Cleavage" show on A&E, which wasn't about cleavage at all but about boobies. Two hours of boobies, apparently brought to us by Victoria's Secret. One step forward, two jiggles back. As usual, blogging dependent on my workday, which looks to be a killer.