Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, October 21, 2002

Viva Las Evanier!

Mark Evanier (see link at left bar) has just added a weblog links page to his site, and I'm on it! Thanks, Mark! Yikes, though, "perceptive critic of the comic book scene"... maybe I should write more about comic books in this weblog. :) But it's so hard to concentrate on that when you have Tim Russert explaining to Katie Couric that the reason we're not preparing to inva-- erm, pre-emptively attack North Korea the way we are with Iraq is because, um well basically, North Korea can actually fight back, and Katie not following up with the obvious "well, if Iraq couldn't fight back why are we bothering, doesn't that give credence to critics who claim they aren't a threat?" (kudos to Franklin Harris for mentioning that in his blog)... Anyway, Mark's own "News From Me" blog section is always fascinating, he seems to know (and actually think) more about showbiz behind-the-scenes stuff than anyone else of my acquaintance, and his musings today about "the real Bob Crane" are worth the price of admission alone (do click the PayPal button if you like his stuff). Because his interests are so wide-ranging, I find his site constantly entertaining and enlightening, and am hard pressed to think of such varied subjects as Laugh-In, cartoons, California politics and even Las Vegas without Mark coming to mind. (Although come on, Mark, I don't know anyone who'd assume having a computer w/ Internet capability in a hotel room meant the access was free, not when most telephone usage costs a buck a call!) And he makes everyone around him feel special, even when he doesn't link to their blogs, because let's face it, if you know Mark you've just reduced your Degrees of Separation to most famous people by about two or three.