Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Jew Eat?

OMG (well, oh their god, at any rate), the food at my cousin Ilana's wedding cocktail hour was amazing! We filled up so much I forgot to be nervous about not wearing my mask most of the time (the ceremony room had good air circulation and I wasn't that close to anyone besides Robin and our friend Marjorie) or tired of all the bilingual god-bothering (my childhood memories did kick in a few times during the ever-present prayers) or even that concerned about whether I should indulge in a small amount of champagne as I was driving (by the time I got behind the wheel it had quite dissipated). It was great seeing the extended family, congratulating a bride and groom who seem made for one another, marveling at everyone's outfits (and blushing when folks weirdly complimented mine; I can do "put together" but "clean up nice" has always been beyond me), receiving all good wishes for Mom, just wallowing for a bit in cousin comfort. It doesn't happen very often but just enough to make it fun despite the constant religious overtones. Best part was, the gorgeous venue was only a half hour drive from our home. Worst part was, I really should have brought earbuds, I'll probably suffer from tinnitus for days to come from all that loud music (and it wasn't even that loud but it was bad enough). As the father of the bride reminded me, "Hey, now we're the old people!" And he's right, Mom and my uncle are both in their 90's but, to all intents and purposes, we're the oldest generation in the fam now. All in all, I'm glad to have made it this far.