Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, January 04, 2025

What To Do When the Things Are Done

Every Saturday I have basic and supplemental lists of organizational chores to take care of: lay out my pills and supplements for the week and reorder any getting low; order comics; make out the grocery shopping list; check the status of my every day finances and decide whether or not they need to be caught up on or filed; and other stuff like Woolite wash or organizing earrings. Well, all that stuff has been done now, the Woolite wash is on the drying rack in the tub, my winter sweaters and sweatshirts on the shelf above the bedroom closet have been reorganized, the holiday stuff is ready to be put away tomorrow, the grocery shopping was accomplished in the windy cold, I've finished reading my comics, but I'm disinclined to do more TV catch-up because my eyes have been a bit tired of late and my concentration is shot. I slept through most of the afternoon and woke up feeling drugged. I'm not sure if it's one of the umpteen illnesses floating about, but I'm noticing a decided uptick in the number of masked shoppers around me, which both pleases me and gives me pause. I hope I can stay inside as long as possible as this weather is become less and less conducive to my health, but I need more concentration to do drawing practice or writing or starting on the Wicked book series. I hate being in a holding pattern, but at the same time I'm pleased with Having Done. Small steps.