Thursday, January 25, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Today I drove through the drizzle and tons of fog to Lakewood, NJ to pick up Mom's kosher meals on wheels, then my wheels drove me to her house to deliver them. And Uber Eats still can't deliver to our address in NYC! Seriously, what's their excuse? Anyway, aside from being utterly exhausted to the point where I collapsed into an hour-long nap before heading home, it was a good visit. No traffic at all right up to the point where I usually exit the GW Bridge for the switch over to the Henry Hudson Parkway, as apparently there was an accident in the area. But it only added about 15 minutes to the trip, and now I'm happy and so, so tired. Naturally there was a lot of talk about the family, which brings to mind my cousin who loves building with LEGOs, so this is for him:

Via Laughing Squid.

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