Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Today I settled back into my familiar workstation at last. The mini-fridge in which I used to keep water bottles and various things for my partners was still under the desk, unused since the Before Times, so I called facilities to gift it to the insurance project room downstairs, where the associates greeted it most warmly. I found out my main monitor has a camera, and the local IT guy came by with a cable so I can actually have video chats at the office now. Also found two additional USB ports on the back of said monitor, and I've just received a USB desk fan from Bezos' Emporium, so that and my phone charger now have plugs a'waiting for them when I'm back in next week. I took a coworker out to lunch for her birthday, only to find the place was celebrating NY Restaurant Week so that was an extra bonus. But dang, I'll really need to get used to this commute again!  Maybe I just need Ambiphone (via BoingBoing).

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