Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, September 07, 2023

Object Permanence

How can this blog be 21 years old today? In internet time that's at least a century, considering the speed at which things change. I'm amazed blogging software still exists, considering all the new apps I've had to learn at work in just the past decade. Yet here we are, and here I am, still (relatively) healthy and hanging in there, saying farewell to too many folks I loved and admired but greeting new additions with all the enthusiasm a childless-but-grandmother-age person can muster. I've become the kind of person to whom hip-hop is still "that new music the kids love but I just can't get into" but fall short of "music was better in my day" because, for all I know, music is still wonderful even if it's not made for me. I think reading comics primarily made for young men all these years has helped in that regard; I'm used to not being the target audience for pretty much any form of entertainment. And yet, I find many things still make me smile. So much streaming media to catch up on that I'll never get bored. Even though I lost my fifth cat earlier this year (I still fondly and lovingly remember Gypsy, Phredd, Datsa and Amy, along with Zed) I'm yearning for another to love, and I continue to peruse lots of cat memes and videos. I don't have any real close friends besides Robin, but I do have lots of online Facebook "friends" and work colleagues, all of whom bring me joy. And I imagine this blog still has at least a few dozen readers. So there are reasons to continue, including this blog. Thanks for still being around.


PJ said...

Happy blogaversary! You have managed to raise a blog from just a child to an adult of legal drinking age so go out and have a nice toasty adult beverage with your blog, you deserve it! Your dedication is commendable and I hope you and Robin are doing well!