Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I've given up on the Earamid. It's pretty but just not practical. Got me a couple acrylic earring holders, much better for both post and hook type earrings. Just the thing after my major jewelry-shopping with my coworkers on Friday. Here it is with everything hung up on it:

Meanwhile, I've taken the plastic thingie that my supervisor gave me, fitted it with some tiny curtain hooks Rob had in his toolkit, and created something on which to hang my combo necklace-earring sets:

I also organized my health insurance files yesterday; still a lot to throw away before I can close the accordion file properly, but at least it's all in categories now. And I've located my most recent eyeglass prescription, so there's a bonus. Now, on to this weekend's ironing!