Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, February 06, 2009


The New York Comic Con is at the Javits Center this weekend, and I couldn't be less ready. Robin's planning to be there this afternoon, weather and weather-related exhaustion permitting; no way I'm taking the day off from my job. However, both the forecast and my mood are scheduled to improve tomorrow, so you can find me attending various panels including tomorrow's "Representations of Women in Comics" discussion sponsored by Friends of Lulu (12:15 PM start time, room 1A18) and Sunday's "Jews in Space and Comics: A Cottage Industry" panel (same start time and room as the Saturday panel). Beyond those, we're playing things by ear. Rob was on the waitlist for an Artists Alley table but none ever materialized, and as I'm no longer working with ComicMix I don't have a homebase either. I've made a list of must-see Artists Alley folks and will have my camera but probably not my sketchbook. I'm very glad the convention is going to be in October from next year onward, that's my high-energy season and I can think and plan a lot more easily. Hope to see some of you this weekend!