Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, June 06, 2008

Pre-MoCCA Blogaround

Yes, I'll be at MoCCA's Art Fest this weekend, helping out at the Friends of Lulu table during Jamal Igle's signing on Saturday (3-4 PM) and again for an hour (2-3 PM) on Sunday, as well as meeting up with ComicMix colleagues. Robin won't be there, he has work. In the meantime, let's get through some saved bookmarks, shall we?

• Speaking of Jamal, if you have about eight minutes you should really watch this lovely video he put together of his daughter's first six weeks of life. I agree that Catie will probably be way embarrassed in about 13 years or so, but such is life online!

• Two Serious Eats stories that have nothing to do with each other: Jamie Oliver suggests women go the Lysistrata route to get their male significant others to cook; and all hail the advent of Peel 'n Taste.

• Over at HuffPo, Danny Miller reminisces about Laugh-In and Art Levine name-checks the Firesign Theatre.

• I'm jealous that Wil Wheaton got to see Elvis Costello and The Police in concert... but maybe not that jealous.

• If you haven't been reading Melissa Silverstein's terrific work on the double standard surrounding coverage and reviews of the Sex and the City movie, you owe it to yourself to check out her blog. Elsewhere in Hollywood, Nikki Finke reports that, fortunately most of the Universal music library had been moved before last weekend's fire.

• Much amusement and great reading as usual from Melissa McEwan. She's pissed at Spielberg and Lucas; she shakes (pun intended) her head at people who still can't find examples of misogyny against Clinton's campaign when even The Daily Show can run them during segment featuring a mock strip-tease (am I the only one not warming up to this new little-girl-voiced cast member?); she goes the other Melissa (see above) one better re: Sex and the City; and everyone who's anyone has already linked to For The Record, her sum-up of the misogyny in the Democratic race thus far (and be sure and also read the follow-up post to that one). Not for nothing is she one of my blogger heroes. So's Digby, and this blogaround's edition of What Digby Said includes her own sum-up of the Democrats called Photo Finish (let's hope voters never forget how close it was this year!) as well as Unreliable Narrators. Also worth perusing at Hullabaloo, Tristero reviews Nixonland and dday says "media culpa" almost as well as Stephen Colbert.

• Lance has been on fire lately too. Check out his post on the selective myopia of whose who warn about a Clinton dynasty while the Bush dynasty wreaks havoc.

• Interesting analysis by Susie on the culture of winning. I think this is one of the things that drives Washington insiders (and the pundits who cover them), where you can be completely opposed to someone's political views yet you go out for a beer afterwards like it's all some kind of game rather than a position that involves real people's lives. Also via Susie, this terrific video about how check cashing places screw the poor:

• Bully warns us, Everyone's a Skrull!

• Cool, I remember Wacky Packages too. My brother Jay used to collect 'em, and we decorated our dog's bed with them.

• Everything you need to know about element 109 on the periodic table, which is named for a woman. And Fred at Stone Court tells us about Negro League star Mamie "Peanut" Johnson, honored by MLB in this week's amateur draft (even though professional baseball still doesn't allow women).

• Happy belated to Sara Robinson, who is exactly one half year younger than me.

• Echidne has a point about how a survey by a British magazine on the most hated and most loved celebrities wound up with the top five most loved being men and four out of the top five most hated being women, but Heather Mills is a really, really bad example to use here. I'm prepared to give most celebs the benefit of the doubt, and yes, the woman's done some admirable charity work, but the derision against her would seem to be earned. I've sat through videos of her weird-ass press conferences; she's not only dug her own hole and kept digging, but she practically assembled the shovel from scratch in plain sight. Besides, there are lots and lots of reasons Macca comes out #1 by a fairly wide margin, most of which have to do with his continued contributions to British culture, charities, and all that by-the-way stuff about him being one of the people who pretty much changed the world. So, you know.

• What does Marv Wolfman do when he's not writing? He creates Venusian masks!

• When Wampum announced it was winding down, I was so hoping for a follow-up from MB just like this one. I'd love to see this proposed new blog! There totally aren't enough blogs out there with that specific a focus.

Time to get caught up with last year's MoCCA-bought comics before I purchase more tomorrow!