Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, June 29, 2008


As Bloglines is temporarily down, I took the opportunity to reorganize the top of my computer desk. Here's what it looks like now:

You can click on the photo to embiggen it. Here's the key to a lot of the cool stuff: The pencilholder was standard-issue to all incoming freshmen at Rutgers three decades ago. I believe I received the Wonder Woman figurine at my 40th birthday party in Mid-Ohio; she broke at the wrist, which is why her bracelet has been Blu-tacked. The fishy lying on its side has a "DQ" button on it which doesn't stand for Dairy Queen but for Digital Queer; I was given the fish at some LGBT function but I have no memory for where. The gator is from Cruella, I won it at her stand-up show in Manhattan. I think its name is Fluffy. It's being "bitten" by the Millennium Bug; remember when we were all scared of that? Next to the stamp holder (which I adore) is my Lulu Volunteer of the Year award; I was the first to ever get one of those. And it balances nice with the paperweight on the other side of the display.