Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Out with the Old...

Today I purged the two individual News+Views sections of my sidebar blogroll, removing inactive bloggers as well as most of the bloggers who no longer link to me. I was just getting too overwhelmed by the liberal blogger echo-chamber, and if someone has decided they have no desire to be my cyber-friend who am I to stand in their way? I know it sounds mean, but chances are these folks (some of whom I've spent lots of time socializing with in person) won't even see this post if they're no longer "speaking" to me. And it's not just a way of making my sidebar and daily reading more manageable (i.e., now I can spend more time reading and absorbing Digby's posts and Susie's volume!). It's a prelude to adding more new liberal bloggers on Blogroll Amnesty Day, which will be Sunday, February 3. So here's what I'd like Pen-Elayne readers (specifically liberal bloggers) to do -- if you already link to me and you don't see your name on my sidebar, please email me or leave a comment below so I can rectify the error. (I did a search on everyone's site for my first name, but it's possible some of you have blogrolls off your main sites.) And if you want to add me to your blogroll, please alert me so I can reciprocate. I'll announce all new blogroll additions on Blogroll Amnesty Day. Thanks!