Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Brave New Year

There's no denying that 2008 has started out very positive for me. This has been one of those extraordinary days that strengthens my belief that everything happens for a reason. I didn't get any sleep last night, but knew I had to push myself to get the minor medical stuff taken care of, so by 9:30 I had made an immediate appointment with a local podiatrist, by 10:30 the ingrown nail and abscess had been taken care of (and I can walk again, although the toe's still sore of course); by 11:45 the dermatologist had examined me and given me a new (weaker) topical for the eczema; by 12:30 the "juice run" food shopping was done (they carry the heavy bottles up the two flights so we don't have to, there's no delivery charge if it's over $75, and we were completely out of juice) and the prescriptions were in process at the pharmacy.

I had another hour to kill before picking up the meds, so I decided to grab a bit at the local diner by Broadway and 231st. And who should I run into but Alex Simmons! Alex and I like to joke that, while we're "neighbors" in a sense (he probably lives about 15 minutes away from us) we only ever seem to meet at comic conventions or around the corner of 231st and Broadway. Even though he was just leaving and I was just arriving, Alex sat down with me for half an hour and we discussed all sorts of things, pencillers and the next NY Kids' Comic Con and the uphill battles he's had to fight through the years against academic administrations. The weirdest thing was, I'd been thinking all morning about my personal resolutions for 2008, and how they had to include taking better care of my body (less tripping, more grace!) and maintaining my social life with my comics industry friends. Oh, speaking of which, my new ComicMix column is up, comments and all!

Got home around 2:30 and tried to lie down for awhile, but Datsa wanted attention. He finally settled about 4:30 -- and then the phone calls started coming. A couple from the old office (where I'll be Friday morning), two to set up phone interviews for tomorrow, and one to set up an in-person interview for Friday afternoon! Things are pretty much progressing as I thought I would; I made sure I saturated the job boards with my resume this last couple of weeks, and now that employers are back from the holidays everything's on the move again. Including me. Now if I can just get some sleep tonight...