Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Who Are You Going to Believe, Me or Your Lying Eyes?

I can't believe they've started already. Usually the "lose weight" propaganda ads don't start until the new year, when people make resolutions their bodies can't possibly keep ("I'm going to lose weight" often makes about as much sense to me as "I'm going to change my eye color" or "I'm going to be taller"). Now the Obesity Panic police are up in arms over a new study finding many parents don't think their kids are as fat as the diet industry and other alarmists are trying to talk them into believing. Chances are these parents also know that "fat" doesn't always equal "unhealthy." Of course the alarmists are, well, alarmed that their propaganda doesn't seem to be swaying these ignorant hicks. I'm just happy that, as meaningless a study as this might be, it shows that not everybody is susceptible to this mania, even when it's practically inescapable.