Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Maintenance Notes

TBogg has created a new blog under the auspices of Firedoglake; although FDL's past racist missteps resulted in my delinking them until such time (if ever) that they actually acknowledge and seek to correct their actions, I'm still linking to TBogg because you can access his blog completely separately from the main group blog (looks like they're starting to do what Daily Kos does, have people create blogs via their server). Also, I found out via Avedon that Eli Stephens is a gal ("Eli" being short for "Elisha") so I've moved her from the News+Views Guys section up to the equivalent Gals section; my apologies for not ascertaining your gender sooner, Eli! I should probably make a number of changes to my sidebar other than these two, but I haven't yet had the time to really go through my blogroll to see who's still active...