Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Friday Cat Blogging (™ Kevin Drum)

Made it to the fruit and veg place okay; the toe still hurts but having the sneaker on is at least bearable now. We had to mail-order more Dettol from Brooklyn, as we couldn't find it at the local pharmacy, and I truly believe soaking the foot in that antiseptic is helping the toe heal more than just about anything else. I still feel like I'm stuck in that weird limbo vortex created by the confluence of my unemployment, the writers' strike, winter and the holidays, but I'm caught up on my job search for the moment and I have some phone calls to make on Monday morning and I just need to get myself on a regular schedule again after the new year. And the sun shone today!

Hard to think, though. Too sleepy. Mayhaps I'll curl up with kitties.