Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Estrogen Month - Day 8

My new column is up at ComicMix. I switched days with John Ostrander this week, because yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of the death of his wife (and my hero) Kim Yale -- it also marked the 10th anniversary of the last day of my previous job which I loved, and precipitated lots of other life changes for me -- and as I wanted to have my column up on International Women's Day anyhow I had no objections. I think it's one of the stronger ones I've written, and the first one that tries to deal specifically with comics as opposed to pop culture in general or being All About Me. And it was inspired in part by posts from women comics bloggers, so there you are.

For those of you who came here from that column, thank you for reading it, and I welcome your comments here. Please feel free to scroll down through my Estrogen Month: Pop Culture Edition posts so far to find some of my recommendations for good feminist pop-culture bloggers, and please nominate some of your own! Estrogen Month guidelines are outlined here.

Today's recommendation is Leigh Dragoon of Leigh's Sketchblog, and what a lovely sketch she has up today! Leigh is the writer and artist of By the Wayside, a webcomic syndicated on Girlamatic, and last year's winner of Friends of Lulu's Kim Yale Award. She also serves as treasurer on FoL's current board of directors, and has been doing a yeoman's job trying to untangle some of the recent financial confusion in that organization once near and dear to my heart. I was active in Friends of Lulu for so many years (serving as NY chapter president, national membership secretary, and maintainer of the Women Doing Comics List) largely because of Kim Yale and her fervent and unwavering belief that Things Can Be Better for women in the comics industry, and I left largely because of what I perceived as financial mismanagement. If Leigh can help make FoL financially accountable and transparent again to its members and to the public (a necessity in a 501(c)3 charitable organization), I will certainly consider rejoining.

Daily reminder: I'm also hosting the 12th Carnival of Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans on March 31, and guidelines for that are outlined here. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, March 29; please send links via email or use this submission form.