Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Estrogen Month - Day 12

Thanks to the folks who answered my questions yesterday about group blogging versus individual blogging! I'm still in awe of y'all who can find that kind of time. Since she participated in the comments, I wanted to spotlight Robyn Fleming, aka Revena, from the group pop-culture blog The Hathor Legacy, which boasts an impressive number of entertainment categories on which its very feminist participants pontificate in "the search for good women characters!" You'll be going through this one awhile, I think. THL also includes Jennifer Kesler, aka BetaCandy (heh), and an Australian code-named Scarlett. (Hathor was an ancient Egyptian goddess, often worshipped as a cow deity; go Wiki her!)

The guidelines for nominating and voting for feminist pop-culture bloggers during Estrogen Month are outlined here. I'm also hosting the 12th Carnival of Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans on March 31. The deadline for submissions is March 29, and guidelines are outlined here (please send links via email or use this submission form).