Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ready for Estrogen Month?

My third weekly column, The Female Gaze, has been posted at ComicMix. (My column, It's All Good (named for one of Leah's favorite expressions), runs every Wednesday there.) I wanted to call particular attention to it here because it gets a bit more political than the first two, and is certainly more explicitly feminist. I thought it fitting, since tomorrow begins Estrogen Month.

As I've had to stretch myself a bit thinner of late what with working through Leah's death and the ComicMix assignments and jobligations and physical pain, and thus haven't had the time nor energy to post more than the daily Silly Sites here, I want to try to make up for it a bit during March by doing a few Estrogen Month posts -- this year spotlighting some new (to me) pop culture-oriented blogs by women, in keeping with my shift in sensibilities from the echo-chamber of the liberal political blogosphere more towards the lighter stuff which, frankly, doesn't wear me out as much. My goal, as it was during the first time I did Estrogen Month, is to add at least one new pop-cult female-written blog per week to my sidebar blogroll, and to have y'all vote on which blogs those should be as well as nominating your own choices.