Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 1/28/07 through 2/11/07

This is probably going to be my last Liberal Coalition blogaround for awhile, as a group discussion on reorganization is currently taking place on the LC mailing list, but mostly because of my ComicMix responsibilities. My LC blogroll remains on my sidebar but no longer constitutes a separate section in my Bloglines reading, which is actually good as it means I'll be incorporating LC members into my existing sections there and their posts into my regular blogarounds when I get, er, around to 'em. Here we go:

• Some great comments on the Edwards campaign blogging saga from Bora, Kathy (who reproes the message she sent to the Edwards campaign to help ensure they did the right thing by their blogging hires), Michael and Mustang Bobby.

• Bora's looking for a few good recipes, and wondering how he gets through his blogging day sometimes.

• Bryant finds someone who thought Prince was too cutting-edge for the Superbowl halftime show.

• Echidne had as little problem switching to New Coke Blogger as I did, but I still can't see her headers when I read via Bloglines. John recommends it as well; labels are indeed a neat thing! Mustang Bobby also reports success (on the second try).

• Jeff doesn't agree with me that hate speech is a crime, or at least that it's being as vigorously and even-handedly prosecuted as it should be.

• As I mentioned last Sunday, Ken live-blogged the Superbowl and ads as well. Here's the first quarter, second quarter, third quarter and fourth quarter.

• Lilith points the finger at shameful greed by the Salvation Army.

• Maru passes along a positively hilarious "Dear Abby Normal" letter!

• Wow Mike, thanks so much for finding that link to the Muppet Show on which Peter Sellers appeared! That's going to be fun to watch.

• Norbizness founds his own religion, sort of, and has some nifty zoo photos.

• NTodd reports on a promising medical advance developed by the Defense Department, which created the need to fill in the first place.

Off to do catch up on some more ComicMix work (did you notice the new button on my sidebar?)!