Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Callooh! Callay!

Barbara reports "John Edwards has released a statement saying that, although Amanda and Melissa have written things on their blogs that offend him, he is not going to fire them from his campaign." Liza confirms and has the link. And here are the apology posts from Amanda and from Melissa on Edwards' blog. While (ironically) I do take exception to the wording of Edwards' post via a vis being personally offended by some of what the Pandagal and the Pink Petulance have written in the past, and I'm saddened that they were apparently pressured (however gently) into apologizing for essentially other people being assholes, I'm very happy to see his people didn't totally cave in to the "swiftboating" thuggery of a bunch of nutjobs.