Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 11/26/06 thru 12/2/06

Caught up again, mostly due to the downstairs (basement) neighbors making a bit of noise in their living room two floors underneath our bedroom so I couldn't have an afternoon kip. Now that dinner's made and eaten, time to take a look at the Liberal Coalition posts that caught my eye from this past week:

• Bryant salutes some Democratic brains that will keep the President from making too many more disastrous political appointments during a shortened recess of only one week, and is disappointed that Aaron Sorkin is using such simplistic shorthand for liberals and conservatives with his main characters in Studio 60.

• Echidne has a very common-sensical suggestion for people who feel they can only express themselves via words that offend their fellow travelers - try harder to increase your vocabulary. (I mean, honestly, y'all call yourselves writers?)

• Guy bemoans the relatively few students thinking about the war, but I don't think Herbert's assessment is entirely correct - higher education may be the province of the well-off nowadays, but these kids also have a lot more free time than their adult counterparts and I believe much of that is spent on activism, the way it was with me. I'm far more guilty than they are of just wanting to get through the day.

• Keith shudders to think of what a SciFi-produced reimagining of Oz would be like. Me too; I'm far more enamoured of books and comics and movies that stick to Baum's original intent than of those which play with it, especially by (ugh) making Dorothy an adult or changing Oz from a fantasy land with dark undertones to a dark land with barely a fantastic element about it. I may skip this one and wait for Eric Gjovaag to review it.

• Sincere condolences go out to Maru on the loss of her beloved Jaffa. On a much lighter note, she posts a proposed catalog for the Bush presidential library.

• Moi suspects that findings of a possible link between artificial sugar and autism aren't very far from the mark.

• Pencils at the ready, Scott gives a pop quiz!

• Steve G's been blogging lots this past week about how to end the war in Iraq. Just some of his original-content posts are here, here, here and here.

• A very belated happy birthday to upyernoz!

And a few more non-LC posts that I liked:

• Chris Clarke briefly returns with an anecdote about Zeke and the egret.

• Pissed Off Patricia tells us a holiday tale about a beloved Snoopy or two.

• Mary at Pacific Views relates the awakening of her petroleum geologist dad to an inconvenient truth.

And August Pollak has had it with the Googlestupids.