Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, December 01, 2006

It's Not About Me

I've always been selfish right around my birthday, and I've tried to make up for that by acting outward-directed the rest of the year. Last night and this morning reminded me that, the older we get, the less luxury of this sort we should really allow ourselves. Here I've been moping somewhat over my neglect in sending actual emailed invites to a party which has been cancelled due to lack of interest/response to the blog announcement, and last night on Firesign chat I find out that Lili's in hospital again and this morning Leah's son called and it turns out she's in hospital as well and cannot make it up tomorrow. So you know, there are more important things to concern me than celebrating my birthday tomorrow with my husband and nobody else. I'll be spending the day outward-directed for a change.

Speaking of which, it's World AIDS Day, which I'm sure you knew.