Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

RIP Dave Cockrum

I was so saddened when Robin told me. I'd thought Dave was doing so much better since moving to NC following his hospitalization almost three years ago. My deepest sympathies to Paty and all who loved and admired Dave. I felt privileged to have known him even as relatively fleetingly as I did. Remembrances from Cliff Meth (who worked tirelessly on the Uncanny Dave Cockrum Tribute book and auction and was kind enough to let Robin participate via inking the picture below, which Alan Davis pencilled) and from Mark Evanier. I'm sure there'll be many, many more.

Cliff informs me that "there are no details of services at this time. Dave asked to be cremated and his widow Paty is burdened with the news, so well wishers are asked not to call" and to email instead. Also, in lieu of flowers, Paty has requested that contributions be made to The Hero Initiative (formerly ACTOR), a cause/organization in which she and Dave believed very strongly.