Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

More Brief Pluggery

• I wanted to thank Tony Viardo at Sourcebooks for being kind enough to send me a couple copies of The Out of Office Countdown 2007 GWB Calendar as well as a copy of Mark Green's book Losing Our Democracy, and for understanding that I'll probably never get a chance to read (much less review) the book, which is currently sitting next to a half dozen other unread review-copy books I've received over the last few years. There just aren't enough hours in my day any more to keep up with blog reading, comics reading AND book reading (I haven't even cracked the cover of the latest Harry Potter paperback... dang, I miss commuting into the city via public transit!). I'm taking the calendars with me to a blog gathering this afternoon, where I'm sure they will find two happy homes. They're well put together adn all, lots of malopropic "Bushisms" adorning the days, but I can't look at that guy's face for even a moment much less stare at it all month. And I think having a countdown like this is defeatist anyway, as it means we won't be trying to get him out of office by other means (such as impeaching him for his treasonous and illegal acts) prior to his stated expiration date.

• I also want to give a shout-out to my old INSIDE JOKE contributor Ken Burke on the publication of a book he co-authored, The Blue Moon Boys, about Elvis Presley's band.

I think that takes care of all outstanding obligations, but if you've sent me something lately and I haven't mentioned it, feel free to give me a bit of a nudge.