Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Milestone and Maintenance Notes

Today is CE Petro's birthday, as well as Ariel David's 15th, Walt Simonson's 60th, Amanda Marcotte's 29th, and Robin's Dad's 83rd. Happy birthday all, especially to Dad!

With the advent of the new group blog Cartoonists With Attitude, I've split my Bloglines "Group Blogs" section into two subsets, News+Views and Kultcha, the same way as I'd done for individual blogs. Don't think it would work as well on the blogroll, although I've been considering tinkering with that as a blogiversary change (this Thursday marks four years since I started Pen-Elayne on the Web), but it sure makes reading through blog feeds easier! I've found group blogs can be especially daunting, as the posting frequency tends to be a lot higher, so anything that helps me get through that reading more efficiently is a bonus. Also, as threatened Tom Peyer has opened up Superfrankenstein and the Monster Force to more folks, namely Mark Waid (still my favorite current comic book writer) and Jamie Delano, so that blog has been moved from Dynamic Duos to Groups on the sidebar.