Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 9/17 thru 9/23/06

Time once again to see what the members of the Liberal Coalition have been up to:

• Bora has a good link to Chris Nolan, who explains (fairly definitively, to my mind) why some bloggers were more equal than other bloggers at the Clinton schmooze last week. Surprise surprise, it wasn't just select/white/A-list bloggers whom Daou invited, it was bloggers who had been particularly critical of his boss Senator Clinton, said to be mulling a presidential run, presumably in an effort to swing them 'round to the pro-Clinton camp. Which, considering how some of them have been blogging the Clinton Global Initiative meeting this past week, seems to have worked out pretty nicely. As I said when discussing the Amsterdam junket, everyone has their price, and it will be interesting to see if these bloggers have indeed been bought and paid for. Oh, Bora also tips his hat to H.G. Wells and to one of his unexpected readers.

• Charles2 has returned, and implores that we seriously consider impeachment.

Chris is psyched to meet two celebrities I wouldn't mind meeting myself, so yes, Chris, consider me jealous.

• Echidne tells of an apocryphal anecdote that turned out to be true, and examines people who examine the female brain only to reach the conclusions they set out to find in the first place; funny how often that happens.

• Kathy notes that it's real interesting when Republicans want to use the same filibuster they deem so evil when the Democrats employ it.

• Keith's friend's brother reports from Thailand.

• Maru is a bit swamped and looking for a co-blogger, but I don't think she'll ever find one with her facility at clever epithets and amusing illustrations.

• Michael has a new job at uni - congratulations!

• Moi grosses us out. I mean, ewww.

• Mustang Bobby is up in Canada attending the Stratford Festival.

• Steve Gilliard gives a history lesson to poor, poor, rich black Republicans, brings us excerpts from Katie Couric's blog, and takes another look at big-box store wars in Manhattan.

And so to bed again, one hopes...