Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Timing and Coincidence

You know, I don't think it's a bad thing to maintain a healthy skepticism. But since we have no way of knowing which story is true - was an "attack now" message sent from Pakistan to the would-be airplane bombers last week, precipitating swift action on the part of the British government; or did they move when they did due to US pressure? - I tend to side with Lesley on this. Not everything bad that happens in the world revolves around the US all the time, and blogs that insist it does start to sound rather tinfoil'ish (i.e., if you start off specifically looking for a conspiracy you're bound to see everything as a link to one - but then, to criticize our leaders for being on vacation whilst you're on holiday in Paris rather undercuts your point, however valid). Far better to observe that some British politicans are capable of being every bit the opportunists as some American politicians are, to the detriment of us all. Oh, and it's possible the British authorities moved when they did because word was about to leak out anyway after Rauf was arrested. But hey, let's not let that stop us from insisting everything was driven by the Bush administration...