Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 8/13 thru 8/19/06

Well, I guess insomnia's good for some things; now I can get through my weekly Liberal Coalition post review before going to bed for good:

• Bora celebrated his second blogiversary by posting about All Clocks All The Time for about a week; keen! He also did a great post where he talked about being fascinated by collections of oral history and other storytelling.

• Bryant has an interesting theory about Republicans and Neville Chamberlain.

• Firedoglake founder Jane visits coblogger Christy, while coblogger TRex finds it hard to let go of a cherished friend and talks very eloquently about how playing the race card is a time-honored Republican tradition.

• Jeff reveals his inner evil twin.

• John had a Billy in his life too.

• Keith reviews the latest religion-oriented statistics.

• Maru reports on the discovery of Caer Caradoc.

• Mike's got the good, bad and mistaken from this past week.

• Norbizness translates another Presidential address.

• Steve B asks the $64,000 question, "If the monument is not specifically Christian in character, why are only Christians protesting its removal?"

• Lastly, Steve G has had it with the DLC (haven't we all?) and his coblogger Jen is back from Scotland.

Oh, and it turned out yesterday was a good day to be a New York baseball fan. The Yankees game was indeed another record-breaker, and the Mets tribute to the '86 team brought a number of tears to my eyes. (Yes, one can be a fan of both teams; I've always thought the "subway series rivalry" was stupid, but then I'm old enough to remember the joy of the Mayor's Trophy games.)