Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 7/9 thru 7/15/06

Special insomnia edition, featuring at least two times ten posts from Liberal Coalition that I liked this past week:

• As you might imagine, Bora/Coturnix celebrated Tesla's birth anniversary in style. John joins in by showing us some Tesla gelt.

• Bryant sends up three cheers for train travel, and so do I! Yet another way in which the US lags sorely behind Europe and other civilized areas.

• Chris illustrates his review of An Inconvenient Truth with one of my favorite Alex Ross pieces.

• Echidne finds an interesting Friday news dump (i.e., a government-issued news release timed for a Friday afternoon on purpose to garner the least amount of publicity possible) about the merits of public education and examines mother-based insults.

• Hooray, my Bloglines feed for Firedoglake is working again! It's been very interesting watching Jane & co. follow the CT Democratic race, and I particularly liked Jane's posts about NARAL and Planned Parenthood kissing up to the anti-choice Lieberman.

• Guy doesn't get why Pee-Wee's Playhouse is rated PG for TV. Me, I'm amazed it doesn't have a more mature rating than that! I remember how much I used to love all the double entendres in that show.

• Kathy examines the comedy stylings of Vladimir Putin, who's apparently on a bit of a roll at the G8, although I can't understand why he hasn't yet lifted Bush's shirt and kissed him on the tummy.

• Ken examines anti-Hispanic racism in Florida, which can ill afford such sentiments.

• Oh no, run, it's the Tasty Cicadas! Thanks a lot, Maru. Also, the saga of a certain type of traffic noise becoming too much for a busy intersection, and a three-dimensional crop circle in Oxfordshire, where some artists clearly have way too much time on their hands.

• Michael is vacation-blogging in Vegas (my parents don't have DSL at their Vegas place either), Utah and environs and wishes us all a Happy Bastille Day.

• Another 100%-original-content post from Steve, this one about how a bad 'net rep can affect your future dealings in the real world.

• NTodd, currently partying outdoors in Manhattan with, I'm sure, lots of interesting people while we're up here in our air-conditioned Bronx apartment, has the skinny on city name changes in India, something about which I've been confused as well.

• Scott remembers Syd Barrett. I didn't, really, but Robin did. Which is a little weird because I'm four years older than him, but then he's 44 years more British than me.

• Steve notes that another race for the moon (and Mars) is underway, only this time it's really only one misguided country kind of limping along.

• Lastly, Trish muses about Lizzie Borden.

And on that note, I'm actually going to try sleeping through the night now?