Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 7/4 thru 7/8/06

Well, half a week, h'anyway. Lots of good posts from Liberal Coalition members this week:

• Echidne hints that she may or may not be working for PayPerPost, and notes the strange changes in her garden possibly due to global climate change.

• John catches us up on his hectic life.

• Kathy has a great essay on how a country's maturity is accomplished more easily when no outsiders screw with it. I don't think it's the whole story, though - I think with the US it's as much former outsiders' willingness to bring their own talents and views into the mix to enhance things.

• Michael reports on yet another organization bitching about how the English language is too hard for people to learn because of spelling and pronunciation, so everything needs to be changed so that it all makes sense to their rigid minds. Whenever I hear about such a wrongheaded exercise in futility I always Google the organization's website (I can officially do that now, NTodd's reported the verb "google" has now made Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary) and try to find out who's actually behind such time- and money-wasting efforts. By sheer coincidence I'm sure, the link to their Board Member listing is broken.

• I'm ashamed to admit it but, somewhere along the line, I deleted Moi's name from the LC blogroll. Which is a shame, I really love her posts. This week she exhorted readers to send in their birthday greetings to the 60-Year-Old-Boy in Chief.

• Mustang Bobby asks, what's the point of having a Statue of Religious Liberty when non-Christians aren't free to practice their religion even to having their sacred symbols recognized on their grave markers? Isn't the whole point of religious freedom to allow for the practice of non-dominant religions? The dominant ones aren't in any danger, despite all the whining coming from rich church heads.

• Lots of goodies from Steve G. as usual, but also as usual most of them consist of a really lousy citation-to-original-writing ratio (i.e., a long copied-and-pasted article written by someone else with a few sentences of commentary tacked to the end). Thoughts of the Stupid is a notable exception, 100% original content, and the kind of thing I'd love to see Steve do more of. Also of note are his observations on the latest Aunt Thomasina and an article he passed along about fellow LC'er Jane Hamsher, whose blog's RSS feed is still not working on my Bloglines after over two weeks.

• Norbizness celebrates the 4th by updating the Declaration of Independence.

• Scott shows us Oak Point Yard, which I've never seen because I don't tend to hang out in that section of the Bronx, and links to an amusing animated editorial cartoon from Newsday to the tune of the Wizard of Oz score...

• Steve B's wife is getting all kissy-face again... aww...

• Trish has had enough of courtroom cell phones and prairie muffins. Separate stories.

• Lastly, upyernoz muses about people who have the bad luck to commemmorate special events on days that currently live in infamy. Tell me about it, Leah's birthday is 11 September.

Now to bed again, having given up on trying to figure out the newest mysterious comment on my blog. It's anonymous again (so I can't ask the commenter for clarification) but not religious in nature, unless one counts worshipping "Weird" Al Yankovic (which I have been known to do in my misspent youth), and it's in response to a post from so long ago that neither Robin nor I could identify it. Newcomers, you're quite welcome here, but please note that Blogger and Haloscan don't "talk" to each other that directly, so if you're going to leave a comment on a post that I made a long, long time ago, please at least mention the title of the post!