Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, June 23, 2006

Soliciting Stuff from Endtimers

Apparently the website www.endtimerspleasegivemeyourstuff.com is not yet taken. I am considering purchasing it for the express purpose of putting up a page inviting all those who believe The End is Near and they are to be magically subsumed up into heaven within their very own lifetimes, whilst the rest of us are damned to be Left Behind here on reality-based Earth, to please give me their stuff. After all, they can't leave their stuff to their families, as one presumes their families will be swept up with them. Now mind you, I don't want pets or anything that requires high maintenance (although that topic's been covered by the kooky endtimes leaders anyway). Just stuff. You know, valuable worldly possessions. Money is good. Sooner rather than later. I promise I'll take good care of it, while I'm down here being "damned" to reality.