Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 5/21 thru 5/27/06

Well, I went back to bed at around 7 and got a bit more sleep until the phone rang at 10 AM (naturally they didn't leave a message), and since Rob's gone back once more I figured this was as good a time as any to review my fellow Liberal Coalition members' posts-of-interest-to-me from the past week, followed by other posts I liked as I do my blog catch-up, followed by retreating into the bedroom once more for comics reading (I'm down to only the DC comp box now, having finally finished looking through all the old indies I had, many of which had been in that second box since before 9-11) and baseball watching. It's good to know that the following people, among others, have been much more productive with their time.

• A couple milestones to report first - Happy birthday to Jeff of Speedkill, and happy belated blogiversary to Norbizness of Happy Furry Puppy Story Time!

• Bora/Coturnix at Science and Politics is getting hot under the collar over temperatures, specifically Fahrenheit versus Celsius, something I experience from time to time when watching European news and trying (and mostly failing) to translate Celsius into Fahrenheit in my head. Thank goodness the Beeb weather folks that we watched in England always mentioned the F equivalent of the C temps at the end of their forecasts.

• Bryant at Make Me A Commentator! observes that the Presidential immigration plan is actually based on something approaching a knowledge base.

• Echidne of the Snakes has her doubts that an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure. Now that's healthy skepticism!

• Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake compares the sex-obsessed gossip reportage in the National Enquirer with that of the New York Times, and finds the latter really lacking. Also at Firedoglake, fellow LC member T. Rex (usually found here) identifies the actual party of death, with which I tend to agree - the Democrats aren't the ones leading the way in sending other parents' children off to die in pointless wars, denying assistance to poor children and elderly folks, and generally making life unbearable for way too many souls on this earth. That would be, you know, the party in power.

• John at archy sings the praises of a principled politician (not), and notes the standard right-wing hypocrisy of criticizing their opponents for doing what's correct, even patriotic, when they do it themselves.

• Jude at Iddybud attended the second conference of the Network of Spiritual Progressives (and has pictures!), and reports that the NY Times coverage of the event pretty much got everything wrong.

• Keith at Invisible Library reminds everyone of time codes, a very useful thing for when you want your blog posts to appear during work hours when you're not actually blogging. I use this all the time; I wish I could figure out how to make it work for RSS feeds.

• Maru at WTF Is It Now?? finds a little quid pro quo at work in the FTC, where oilmen have just found other oilmen not guilty of price-fixing.

• MercuryX23 believes violence is not the answer. Maybe. Possibly.

• Michael at Musing's Musings has some thoughts about what is extracurricular and what is a student's personal time.

Lastly, I don't know if anyone else will care, but as you may know I read all blogs via Bloglines, which for the past couple months has inexplicably run some blogs' posts (but not others) in light blue type instead of the more legible black. I've figured out a workaround - if there's more than one unread post, sort the posts by "Read Oldest First" then back again to "Read Newest First" (or vice versa depending on your personal preference), then the blue type disappears and black type takes its place. Much easier on these old eyes!