Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Last Notes Before Turning Off the Home Computer

Kitties safely boarded, and I miss them already *snif*. Just a few more things to do in the 5+ hours before we leave - a bit of lunch, washing up (both the dishes and ourselves), taking out the trash, and of course catching up on as many blogs as I can before I'm Away-From-Keyboard for an indefinite period. So here's what I read today that I really liked:

• Ragnall does it again, with a magnificent post about something that happens far too often nowadays when pairing male writers with female comic book characters.

• Morgan Spurlock shares his wedding photos.

Paul Dini swears this is how Hollywood actually works, and he should know.

• I didn't know NTodd had done a lexicon/glossary of liberal blog in-jokes (apparently specific to Eschaton commenters (who call themselves "Atriots") but seemingly applicable across the board) until Xan at CorrenteWire pointed it out. He even tackled Holden and the pony. And the main page links to other lexicons in progress! Justin, take note!

• Lastly, happy birthdays to Bora and Melissa and anyone else I've inadvertently left out.

Didn't quite get through all the unread blogs, but made a good stab at it. Time to turn the computer off - bye y'all!