Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sunday Reading Goodness

Okay yeah, it's just a link dump. But there are some real gems here:

Heidi MacDonald wonders about the difference in coverage between comic books and comic strips.

Kalinara ponders another dichotomy, the ol' virgin/whore dilemma in comics. I'm hoping the character of Cassie Sandsmark continues to be sexually active with no negative consequences, as befits the daughter of Zeus. After all, Greek gods and goddesses and godlings were all a bit randy, weren't they? (Erm, perhaps I should ask Echidne about that...)

Ragnall hosts the Twelfth Carnival of Feminists as the Green Lantern character Star Sapphire. By the way, a word of advice to anyone talking about art that perpetuates the male gaze - identify the artist. His name will usually be found in the comic book's credit box. Poses don't exist in a vacuum - someone had to draw them, and that's where the problem lies. Support more artists who don't cater to the male gaze and/or fetishes, and your comics will look better.

Soj in Romania has some great advice for travelers abroad. The towel isn't just for space hitchhikers!

Stephanie McMillan's cartoon sold for $2201!

Teresa Nielsen-Hayden brings us the life and times of young Porco Bruno.

Hank Magitz speaks of inter-sect squabbling among the Jews in northwest Jersey. Sounds like an uber-Orthodox vs. Conservative kinda thing. I think this happens in more places than folks suspect. The hyper-religious Jews are primarily interested in keeping their community close-knit and closed, the not-so-strict Jews are primarily interested in growth through raising capital. If I were still observant I'd be interested in a shul that welcomes everyone (including gentiles married to Jews, gays, non-believers curious about Judaism) and cares more about people than money, which I guess would probably make me Reformed but there's still that money thing. Feh - God is everywhere, I might as well worship at home.

Lastly, eRobin has been collecting a few samizdat Tahoe ads - I'd love to see all of the ones I've seen so far listed in one place!