Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 4/9 thru 4/15/06

When faced with the choice of catching up on my ironing and talking about fellow Liberal Coalition members' posts which caught my fancy this past week, there's really no choice at all:

• A couple "awww"s to start with before getting to the shocks. Norbizness at Happy Furry Puppy Story Time wishes his sister a happy birthday, and the Count and Trish the Countess celebrate their anniversary! NTodd of Dohiyi Mir is also celebrating the first anniversary of his NToddcasts. Congrats to all concerned!

• Alex at Sooner Thought reproes another excellent Greg Palast article, and brings us an amusing Weekly Radio Address parody about this year's taxes (remember. fellow Americans, tomorrow's filing day for most of y'all). I've just subscribed to this free weekly comedy podcast (I need something now that the Ricky Gervais show is pay-to-play!), and this week's bit is cute too: "Easter is a time for remembering the things that Jesus' killing on the cross has brought to us - the Easter Bunny, chocolate eggs, that green plastic-y stuff that pads Easter baskets..."

• Andante at Collective Sigh has words of praise for a local Republican.

• Bora/Coturnix at Science and Politics brings news about how starvation dieting supposedly leads to longer life. If one doesn't DIE OF STARVATION, I suppose. On a more relatable note, he laments the sudden lack of matzoh and other Passover supplies at his local markets. Don't worry, Bora, if you can't eat anything during Passover maybe you'll live longer!

• Echidne of the Snakes has a problem with faith-based programs. So do I. If a faith discriminates against anyone who doesn't share its tenets, they do not deserve to receive any money from a government whose citizens are among the objects of that discrimination.

• Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake reminds us about the real Newt Gingrich.

• Kenneth at T. Rex has way too much fun with site visitors who've left comments, and passes along welcome news about a potential cancer cure.

• Maru lets us know about a brave principal who sticks to his principles.

• Michael at Musing's Musings plays some more with new terminology, this time defining and extrapolating upon the phrase persecution ninnies; he also has a nice stream of consciousness post about Holy Week.

• Mustang Bobby at Bark Bark Woof Woof asks who readers would cast in a planned Broadway musical based on Young Frankenstein. As this in my five top favorite movies of all time, I must admit to being stumped, as I'm not that familiar with current stage stars. I just hope Gene Wilder has something to do with producing this, as the original was his baby much more than Brooks', as far as I'm concerned. (And I think Leachman should reprise Frau Blücher, she can do stage musicals just fine.)

• Steve at The News Blog brings us up to date on the Myers of Keswick kitty, which apparently has been all over the mainstream media which I don't watch, so this was the first I'd heard of it. Glad it's okay now, and it reminds me that it's been way too long since Rob and I have visited that British foods specialty shop and we're well overdue for another trip down there. Also, did you know that people are getting fired for attending anti-xenophobia protests? As Steve notes, "People who go out on protest today will vote for unions tomorrow. Why? Because once you demonstrate the power of collective action in the streets, you can do it in the workplace."

• Lastly, Scott at ...You Are A Tree has a drunken brush with greatness.

Oh dear, does this mean I have to do my ironing now? Isn't there a baseball game on yet?