Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 4/23 thru 4/29/06

It's a nice change to have only one Bloglines section left to read this morning - my fellow Liberal Coalition members' posts. I've changed my sidebar again as Guy Andrew Hall of Rook's Rant will be taking a break from blogging for awhile, so he moves into my LC Inactive category. On the plus side, Keith at Invisible Library has moved back to WordPress where his blog actually has a working RSS feed, albeit a partial one instead of a full, but at least it's something; had he had a working feed previously (pretty much the only way I read blogs now, given my lack of time) I would have publicized his blog move sooner.

Anyway, here's what else caught my eye this past week:

• Bora/Coturnix at Science and Politics has an exhaustive list of responses to a poorly-thought-out anti-atheist rant in Raw Story.

• Bryant at Make Me A Commentator! hates it as much as I do when comic book characters' deaths are marketed as selling points. Over a decade ago I coined the phrase "Bulked-Up, Evil and Talking" to describe this habit, after what was done to the Teen Titans character Jericho (my favorite at the time) prior to killing him off (and as much as I like the mutually-blogrolled Marv I've never quite forgiven him for that).

• Chris at LeftyBrown's Corner finds it a wee bit suspicious that Republicans are weeping over the cost of gasoline in an election year. Similarly, Horatio at Dodecahedron is confused about how oil companies are making out like bandits when the cost of their commodity should have meant their profit margin would go down. Ah, youthful naivete, if we could bottle it we'd all be as rich as oil companies. For his part, John at archy suggests the folks attending this conference might have done better to videoconference or something similar which might have saved fuel. And Jude at Iddybud says, if we're addicted to oil, where's our rehab program? (By the way, be sure not to miss Jude's Jesus Beneath the Fold - a Koufax '06 nominee as far as I'm concerned!)

• Echidne of the Snakes is amazed at what patriarchy hath wrought in the Satmar Lubovitch community. As I used to say about these folks even back in high school, after I escaped from yeshiva, there but for the grace of G-d go I... In a related post, Jeff at Speedkill assures us implicitly that this is satire, but I think he's just jealous because he can't draw. (He also takes a peek inside The Empty Tomb.)

Jane Hamsher reminds us that the Firedoglake Sunday Book Salon opens today at 5 PM Eastern, when the blogosphere will be talking about itself again.

• Natalie at All Facts and Opinions isn't buying the Lennon media stunt, but she still believes in his message, and so do I.

• Catchy Pseudonym at Scrutiny Hooligans looks forward to what Cloudsat and Calipso will tell us about the Earth's atmosphere.

• And to wrap things up, congratulations to Scott at ...You Are A Tree on his fourth blogiversary!

Now I'm off to watch Colbert's triumph so I can agree even more with what Christy Hardin Smith says here.