Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"Well, of course God did it by science!"

The above is from an overheard snippet of conversation between coworkers, who were actually talking against the fundies and their "Intelligent Design" crap in context. But there's still no allowance at all in their heads for any scientific scenario not involving God. That's one of the things that bothered me about the chain email yesterday as well - the "original" (at least the version I saw) not only wasn't structured as a chain-email but had no mention of God. It's like the Pledge of Allegiance, someone shoehorned God into things out of some weird kind of Phariseean or Sadducceean correctness. Then again, this is the day where most Catholics wear their religion on their sleeves foreheads, so I suppose it's too much to ask that religion return to being a private matter between a worshipper and his or her God...